Computer Tech- For Kids.

Nursery & Primary Program


We have set as our goal at ARISE SCHOOL that at the end of Nursery year, your child will be self-equipped, independent and have powerful academic foundation for entering primary school.

Our experienced teachers shall enable and put into practice a curricular that is adapted to fit the demands of the spectrum of the children in the classroom. Teachers provide opportunities for one to one instruction and small groups learning using scheduled activities.

There is also group activities such as morning meeting, during the day as well as a free-choice time where children get to explore diversified learning areas / sites of the classroom based on their interests.


Each day the teachers write personalized remark about your child’s day progress, including details about naptimes, lunch, diapers changes and any supplies needed. These remarks provide a powerful daily segment record of your child’s growth and development as teachers share a snapshot of your offrings day.

The firstin which the writer says, in effect, I shall say such and so is more common in Get Thesis formal, scholarly writing.


Goba, Marobo Ubungo. Dar es Salaam.


Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm